How Party in a Box uses Shipmondo

Tea Krestine Johansen
by Tea Krestine Johansen 22/01/2020
How Party in a Box uses Shipmondo

The party-loving entrepreneur Trine from Party in a Box tells about her journey and gives other entrepreneurs advice along the way.

The 9th of January 2020 was a very meaningful day for the entrepreneur Trine Hansen from Party in a Box.

She went well prepared into the popular Danish investor program Løvens Hule (Dragons’ Den), to present her business. After a bidding war, she managed to walk away with an investment of 400,000 DKK from Mia Wagner from the Freeway group.

Now the real party could begin!

Party in a Box is an e-commerce store that sells decorations for life’s big parties.

Whether the theme is Peppa Pig or Gold, you can find the perfect decorations here. You assemble your own packages with decorations and create a party that will never be forgotten.

That is how the party started

It started with the premise that it should be fun to celebrate birthdays! It should be an experience for the little ones, and no way should it be stressful for the adults. And suddenly, Trine was designing a logo and starting her own business.

It started as a hobby alongside her full-time job. Then she went part-time, and the last six months have been a party every day. Trine started full time in Party in a Box – but has been working many more hours than a normal full-time job.

The webshop is built on a WooCommerce platform, which is integrated with Shipmondo.

When I started the webshop, I was incredibly surprised at how much can be integrated with each other, how automatically it can be done, and how easy it is when everything is set up,” says Trine, who does not describe herself as a technical genius.

With this integration, all of Trine’s orders are automatically transferred to her Shipmondo account. In this way, she saves a lot of time and, at the same time, reduces the risk of typing errors.

In the picture here, you can see how Trine arranged her first stock of goods in rebuild banana boxes at her home:

Party in a Box's første lager

Up to showtime

Trine had been well prepared for the TV recordings, and she was just as prepared for the ensuing storm when Løvens Hule rolled across the screens in Danish living rooms.

Her order management had to be optimized, so she obtained a label printer and scanner.

Before the TV show aired, I set up the printer to print automatically and I got a scanner so I could just scan the pick list. And hallelujah! Why the hell didn’t I do it much sooner! I think it's so cool when you stand inside the warehouse and pack, and suddenly the printer just starts and then you know why – orders are coming. And it's cool to be able to do all that small business.

Trine set up the option to print pick lists automatically herself when an order is imported to Shipmondo. She uses Order Management and the scanner solution, so she can create a fulfillment, book the freight, print the shipping label, print the delivery note and withdraw payment for her order with one scan.

With this setup, she was prepared for the many orders that came with her great exposure after the TV show.

Here you can see how Trine shared the experience with her Danish followers on Instagram:

Ease of use

You can set up all integrations and setups yourself. There are detailed guides to help any entrepreneur in Shipmondo’s Help Center.

I have set it all up myself, and that also says something about the usability. Just the fact that we no longer have to print them manually has given us so much more time. And time is something I have too little of and would like more of, Trine continues.

Trine’s customers also experience the extra service that comes with Shipmondo. Trine has a Shipmondo Delivery Checkout implemented on her webshop.

That way, her customers can choose the desired delivery location themselves. This additional service enhances the shopping experience.

Here you can see the Danish checkout with Shipmondo Delivery Checkout:

Party in a Box's fragtmodul

Support that matters

One of the biggest challenges for Trine’s entrepreneurship has been everything practical and technical, but it has not been a problem with Shipmondo, where the support has been a great help:

It means a lot that you get answers and help. I have never experienced that the support could not help and solve my problem. And even though Shipmondo is a larger company, I feel a presence that means a lot to me, says Trine.

Shipmondo’s support is always ready to help and advise your company, whether it is about setup or questions about our solutions.

Advice for other entrepreneurs

There are many things to juggle as a start-up entrepreneur. Where do you best spend your time?

Trine explains how she has lifted her business and how she finds more time:

When you are an entrepreneur, you have many jobs to do, and the last thing you need is for something not to work or cause problems. You need easy solutions to be able to get things processed quickly and automatic, and Shipmondo has just been easy from the start. It's easy to maneuver in and it's user friendly.

If you have an entrepreneurial company, like Trine, then Shipmondo may be the right solution for you, too.

Create a free account or get in touch and we will talk about how we can help you find more time to grow your business.

You can also read all our cases. Learn, for example, about Myselfie, who rents selfie cameras, or the Norwegian Notabene, which has gone from physical stores to an online webshop.

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