
Return Portal

Easy and efficient return management

Create a good return experience for your customers with a user-friendly portal. Get a smooth return flow and make it easy to manage return orders and refunds.

Return Portal
Show as pop-up or link You decide the price and currency Your own text Create your own reasons Let your customer select items to return

Save time on returns

Create a smooth and efficient return flow with a return process that’s integrated with your Order Management and automate your workflow.

Increase your revenue

An attractive service creates security which can increase the conversion on your webshop. At the same time, a good return experience ensures that your customers will shop with you again.

Free service

Shipmondo Return Portal is a free service that optimizes your time and business. Use your own shipping agreements or our prenegotiated ones. You decide the price of the return shipping.

Make returns easy

A return portal makes it easy for your customers to return items.

The customer starts the return by filling in the order number and email address, choosing which items to return. Let the customer choose how to return the items and make the return process a good experience.

A transparent return procedure creates security for the customer and increases your conversion and your sales.

Efficient Return Management

Create an efficient return flow and save time on your return management for free.

When using Shipmondo Order Management, you can scan the barcode on the return slip when you receive a return order and start the refund right away.

Gain insight into the reasons for return and get a complete overview of your incoming and outgoing orders.

Efficient Return Management

Customize your Return Portal

Let your customers choose which items they would like to return. Define the return code yourself and set up several return resolutions and return methods.

For example, let your customer choose between getting a refund, a gift card, store credit or let the customer exchange the item.

Allow your customer to ship with their preferred carrier or let them drop off the return order at your company address.

Customize your Return Portal

Brand your Return Portal

Create your own unique return portal that matches your brand.

Add your logo and adjust your portal with your texts, your brand color and CSS styling.

Make the return portal your own and stay true to your brand and style by personalizing your return portal.

Brand your Return Portal

You determine the price

You decide whether you want to charge for the return shipping and what it’ll cost – whether you use Shipmondo’s or your own shipping agreements. For example, you can let the price depend on the weight of the items including the packaging that the customer returns.

If you have multiple return methods, you can set different prices depending on the method, and you can choose your desired currency.

Do you want to offer free return shipping? Not a problem either!

Get more information about prices and payouts.

You determine the price

Keep your customer informed

Send your customer personalized messages automatically with information about the return management, for example when you have received the return package, or when you have made a refund. You decide the text of the message.

Good and ongoing information about the process makes the return experience transparent to your customers and creates an impression of safety while minimizing your support.

Keep your customer informed

Easy return from abroad

Do you run an international business or have sales abroad? Then the return process is no problem either!

Set up a return portal for each country and with different carriers, native languages ​​and currencies. Automate your customs and make is easy to return from abroad.

Shipmondo supports several sender countries and, by default, you can choose to set up your return portal in Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, German and English, with the associated currency (DKK, NOK, SEK, EUR, GBP).

Easy return from abroad

Need a separate solution?

If you don’t use Shipmondo Order Management, you can use our free basic return solution, which is a simple return page to book return shipping. When you receive the return shipment, you can handle it in your own system.

Create a Return Portal - Basic where your customers can easily fill in sender information, download return slips, and order return shipping. Make the return portal your own with your logo, identity, and return slip.

Set up your Return Portal that fits your needs and business

Get started streamlining your return management today

Check our two solutions