

Integrate Shipmondo with your systems and automate your freight booking. Your order and shipment information is automatically imported and you can customize the integrations for your workflow and decide the degree of automation. You can connect your systems in several ways.

Plug & play

Plug & play integration for your webshop or accounting system in 5 minutes.


Need a custom solution? Build your own integration.

File integration

Integrate through file exchange. We support JSON / XML format.

E-commerce systems

Connect your webshop or e-commerce tool and manage orders and shipping in one system. Pick, pack and print shipping labels efficiently while keeping your customers informed during the process.

ERP and accounting systems

Have your orders automatically imported to Shipmondo. Import orders/invoices from your accounting system, book freight, and print shipping labels for your orders. Got a webshop? Automate your bookkeeping of sales orders in your accounting system.

Payment gateways

Integrate your payment gateways and manage orders and payments in Shipmondo. Capture payments and make refunds as an incorporated part of your workflow and return flow.

Warehouse management systems (WMS)

Achieve a fast and automated workflow. Book shipping labels easily for your orders from your WMS system and minimize time spent per order.

For developers: A complete API solution

Got specific needs for your order and freight management? Build your very own solution with our RESTful API and get a customized setup that fits your needs. Connect Shipmondo to your system and customize booking etc. to your workflow.

                // Create shipment (code example in PHP)
  $params = [
    "test_mode" => true,
    "own_agreement" => true,
    "label_format" => "a4_pdf",
    "product_code" => "GLSDK_HD",
    "service_codes" => "EMAIL_NT,SMS_NT",
    "order_id" => "10001",
    "reference" => "Webshop 10001",
    "sender" => [
      "name" => "Shipmondo ApS",
      "address1" => "Strandvejen 6B",
      "address2" => null,
      "country_code" => "DK",
      "zipcode" => "5240",
      "city" => "Odense NØ",
      "attention" => null,
      "email" => "firma@email.dk",
      "telephone" => "70400407",
      "mobile" => "70400407"
    "receiver" => [
      "name" => "Lene Jensen",
      "address1" => "Vindegade 112",
      "address2" => null,
      "country_code" => "DK",
      "zipcode" => "5000",
      "city" => "Odense C",
      "attention" => null,
      "email" => "lene@email.dk",
      "telephone" => "50607080",
      "mobile" => "50607080",
      "instruction" => null
    "parcels" => [
        "weight" => 1000
  echo $client->createShipment($params);
                // Get shipping label in PDF format (code example in PHP)
  $params = [
    'page' => 1,
    'carrier_code' => 'dao'
  echo $client->getShipments($params);
                // Get available products (code example in PHP)
  $params = [
    'country_code' => 'DK',
    'carrier_code' => 'gls',
    'page' => 1
  echo $client->getProducts($params);
                //Find available / nearest pickup points (code example in PHP)
  $params = [
    'country_code' => 'DK',
    'carrier_code' => 'gls',
    'zipcode' => '5000'
  echo $client->pickupPoints($params);
Automatisk print

Direct printing

Send shipping labels directly to your printer through the API, or from our web portal. You can add an unlimited number of printers.

Auto print

Set up automatic print of your shipping labels, directly upon creating a shipment or scanning your packing list.

File integration

If you’re using an older accounting system that doesn’t support other than file exchange, you can set up an integration via Shipmondo Print Client. We support JSON / XML format.

Need any help?

If you have any questions or need any help, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Send us an e-mail


Give us a call

+45 70 400 407

Opening hours

Monday - Friday 9.00-16.00