On this page you can find our press coverage and download our press kit. Please contact us if you are missing anything.
Our mission at Shipmondo is to make shipment management quick, easy and affordable for businesses by exploiting digital opportunities and technologies.
The company was founded in 2014. Over 50.000 companies are using Shipmondo today.
Our dedicated team is constantly working on adding new features and services to Shipmondo, in order to make shipment management even easier for our existing and potential customers.
Press coverage
Shipmondo's caught the eye of the press on multiple occasions
Young entrepreneurs set dusty parcel shipping market on fire – An entrepreneurial adventure from Funen
Online success from Funen: Entrepreneurs take a bite of the parcel shipping market
EY’s Entrepreneur Of The Year competition
Danish e-commerce company is aiming across the strait
All good things come in threes: is an entrepreneurial success
Four Funen companies with four ways to success
20.000 customers and ready to go international: is this year's startup winner from Funen
Entrepreneur of the Year: From zero to three million in profits in four years
Two young entrepreneurs earn millions on affordable shipping - now they wish to go abroad
Denmark's largest shipping solution changes name
Startup expands to Europe after record annual results
Startup of the year goes abroad with new name
New features and services for freight and order management
New numbers from Shipmondo - a 244 percent increase in home deliveries
New freight portal in Norway: It should be easy to start a webshop
Shipmondo is building their own domicile
Freight company with record numbers: The ambition is now Germany and the Benelux
Record growth: The effect is here to stay
IT companies are booming: Digital award for entrepreneurial company
Fast growing company: Shipmondo builds dream domicile